Name Check
Select Company Type
Select Package
Company Details

Your new company name:

Please select the type of company you wish to register, if you are not sure simply view the option below or call our team on the above number. Basically if you reside in England or Wales the most common companies registered are Limited by Shares, if you are to provide charitable services you may want to consider Limited by Guarantee, LLP’s are usually for Solicitors, Surveyors etc and if reside in Scotland or Northern Ireland it’s the same company types only the registered office must be in that Country.


    Following selection you can select a package most suited to your budget and requirements.

  • Limited by Shares
  • A private company limited by shares registered in England and Wales.
    This type is a PROFIT making Company used for: Construction, IT Services, Butchers, Bakers etc
  • Limited by Guarantee
  • A private company limited by shares registered in England and Wales.
    This is a NON-PROFIT Company
    used for :
    Charities, Clubs, Foundations, Societies etc
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • A private company limited by shares registered in England and Wales.
    This is a PROFIT making Company
    used by:
    Solicitors, Accountants, Surveyor etc
  • Non-UK Residents
  • Same as Limited by Shares only structured specifically for Non-UK Residents.
    Used for any business types.
  • Scottish Company
  • Same as England and Wales companies with the registered office located in Scotland.
    Used for any business types.
  • Northern Ireland Company
  • Same as England and Wales companies with the registered office located in Scotland.
    Used for any business types.

A Limited by Shares Company, most commonly known as a Limited Company is the most popular type of UK Incorporation, there are over two million such companies registered at Companies House.

A private company limited by shares must have the word 'Limited' or 'Ltd' at the end of its name.

The main advantage of trading through a limited company is to have limited liability.

This type of company is a legal entity which exists separately from its owners. As the company is a separate legal entity from the people running the company they will not be responsible for the company’s debts, unless they have given personal guarantees.

A private company may not offer shares or debentures to the public. Only a public company (PLC) may do so.