Private company limited by shares

Used by most business types; Building & Construction, IT Services, Finance, Wholesale & Retail, Hairdressers etc

This is the most popular choice of company type.

Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now
Private Limited Company in 3 to 6 Working Hours* Y Y Y Y Y
Companies House fees Included Y Y Y Y Y
FREE Business Bank Account* Y Y Y Y Y
FREE 0844 Business Number, no monthly fees Y Y Y Y Y
Free Admin Portal to Manage your Companies Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Share Certificate(s) Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Company Register with First Entries Y Y Y Y
Digital Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y Y
Printed Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y
Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y
Printed Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y Y
Printed Share Certificate(s) Y Y Y Y
Business Plan Guide Y Y Y Y, .com or .net Domain Name Y Y Y Y
Web Hosting 1 year Y Y Y
100 email Addresses Y Y Y
London, Manchester or Liverpool Registered Office Y Y
Manchester Registered Office or select other option Y Y Y
Forwarding of Official Mail Y Y Y
Director Service Address Y Y
Documents on DISC Y Y
VAT Registration Y Y
PAYE Registration Y
Confirmation Statement (was the Annual Return) Y
First year Dormant Accounts filed at Companies House Y
Select Packages
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Limited by Guarantee

or Not for profit company – used for; Sports Clubs, Foundations and Societies etc

This type of company is not suitable for organisation who wish to make a profit from their business

Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now
Private Limited Company in 3 to 6 Working Hours* Y Y Y Y Y
Companies House fees Included Y Y Y Y Y
FREE Business Bank Account* Y Y Y Y Y
FREE 0844 Business Number, no monthly fees Y Y Y Y Y
Free Admin Portal to Manage your Companies Y Y Y Y Y
Remove LIMITED from Company Name Y Y
Add Bespoke Articles Y Y Y
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Company Register with First Entries Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y Y
Printed Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y
Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y
Business Plan Guide Y Y Y Y, .com or .net Domain Name Y Y Y Y
Web Hosting 1 year Y Y Y
100 email Addresses Y Y Y
London, Manchester or Liverpool Registered Office Y Y
Manchester Registered Office or add other Y Y Y
Forwarding of Official Mail Y Y Y
Director Service Address Y Y
Documents on DISC Y Y
Confirmation Statement (was the Annual Return) Y
First year Dormant Accounts filed at Companies House Y
Check Application for Errors Y
Select Packages
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LLP (Limited Liability Partnership)

Ideally suited foruse by: Solicitors, Accountants, Surveyor etc

Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now
Private Limited Company in 3 to 6 Working Hours* Y Y Y Y Y
Companies House fees Included Y Y Y Y Y
FREE Business Bank Account* Y Y Y Y Y
FREE 0844 Business Number, no monthly fees Y Y Y Y Y
Free Admin Portal to Manage your Companies Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Model Agreement Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Company Register with First Entries Y Y Y Y Y
Printed Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y
2 x Digital Model Agreement Y Y Y Y
Business Plan Guide Y Y Y Y, .com or .net Domain Name Y Y Y Y
Web Hosting 1 year Y Y Y
100 email Addresses Y Y Y
London, Manchester or Liverpool Registered Office Y Y Y
Manchester Registered Office or add other Y Y Y
Forwarding of Official Mail Y Y Y
Partner Service Address Y Y
Documents on DISC Y Y
VAT Registration Y Y
PAYE Registration Y
Confirmation Statement (was the Annual Return) Y
First year Dormant Accounts filed at Companies House Y
Company Seal
Select Packages
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Non-Residents Package

Ideally suited foruse by: Solicitors, Accountants, Surveyor etc

Buy now Buy now Buy now
Private Limited Company in 3 to 6 Working Hours* Y Y Y
Companies House fees Included Y Y Y
UK Telephone Number Set-up Y
Free Admin Portal to Manage your Companies Y Y Y
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y
Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y
Digital Company Register with First Entries Y Y
Digital Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y
Printed Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y
Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y
Business Plan Guide Y Y, .com or .net Domain Name Y Y Y
Web Hosting 1 year Y Y
100 email Addresses Y Y
London, Manchester or Liverpool Registered Office Y Y
Manchester Registered Office or add other Y Y Y
Forwarding of Official Mail Y Y Y
Director Service Address Y Y
Documents on DISC Y
VAT Registration Y Y
PAYE Registration Y
Confirmation Statement (was the Annual Return) Y
First year Dormant Accounts filed at Companies House Y
Basic Business Account Y
Select Packages
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Private company limited by shares

Used by most business types; Building & Construction, IT Services, Finance, Wholesale & Retail, Hairdressers etc

This is the most popular choice of company type.

Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now
Private Limited Company in 3 to 6 Working Hours* Y Y Y Y Y
Companies House fees Included Y Y Y Y Y
FREE Business Bank Account* Y Y Y Y Y
FREE 0844 Business Number, no monthly fees Y Y Y Y Y
Free Admin Portal to Manage your Companies Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Share Certificate(s) Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Company Register with First Entries Y Y Y Y Y
Digital Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y Y Y
Printed Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y
Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y
Printed Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y Y
Printed Share Certificate(s) Y Y Y Y
Business Plan Guide Y Y Y Y, .com or .net Domain Name Y Y Y Y
Web Hosting 1 year Y Y Y
100 email Addresses Y Y Y
Edinburgh Registered Office Y Y
Glasgow Registered Office or add other Y Y
Forwarding of Official Mail Y Y
Director Service Address Y Y
Documents on DISC Y
VAT Registration Y
PAYE Registration Y
Confirmation Statement (was the Annual Return) Y
First year Dormant Accounts filed at Companies House Y
Select Packages
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Private company limited by shares

Used by most business types; Building & Construction, IT Services, Finance, Wholesale & Retail, Hairdressers etc

This is the most popular choice of company type.

Buy now Buy now Buy now Buy now
Private Limited Company in 3 to 6 Working Hours* Y Y Y Y
Companies House fees Included Y Y Y Y
FREE Business Bank Account* Y Y Y Y
FREE 0844 Business Number, no monthly fees Y Y Y Y
Free Admin Portal to Manage your Companies Y Y Y Y
Digital Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y Y
Digital Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y Y
Digital Share Certificate(s) Y Y Y Y
Digital Company Register with First Entries Y Y Y Y
Digital Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y Y
Printed Certificate of Incorporation Y Y Y
Printed Memorandum & Articles of Association Y Y Y
Printed Minutes of First Board Meeting Y Y Y
Printed Share Certificate(s) Y Y Y
Business Plan Guide Y Y Y, .com or .net Domain Name Y Y Y
Web Hosting 1 year Y Y Y
100 email Addresses Y Y Y
Belfast Registered Office Y Y
Forwarding of Official Mail Y Y
Director Service Address Y Y
Documents on DISC Y
VAT Registration Y
PAYE Registration Y
Confirmation Statement (was the Annual Return) Y
First year Dormant Accounts filed at Companies House Y
Select Packages
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