| Incorporation Certificate
A certificate of incorporation is a legal document that shows you’ve formed and registered your limited company with Companies House
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| Memorandum of Association
A ‘mem & arts’ is a legal statement by initial shareholders or guarantors agreeing to form the company and provides rules the Company abides by.
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| Articles of Association
All limited companies must have articles of association. These set the rules company officers must follow when running their companies.
“Model” articles of association are the standard default articles a company can use. They are prescribed by the Companies Act 2006.
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| First Minutes
Minutes contain details of all matters raised, discussed and agreed upon in meetings – this written evidence is useful as a point of reference or if any disputes arise at a later stage.
They can also help to ensure directors and shareholders are aware of their responsibilities and carrying out their required duties. Resolutions are binding decisions made by company shareholders or directors at these meetings.
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| Certificate of Non-Trading
A certificate of non-trading is a certificate that we supply guaranteeing your company has not traded or incurred any liabilities prior to it being transferred to you.
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| Director Letter of Resignation
A letter of resignation by a director of a company, including an acknowledgement that the resigning officer has no claims outstanding against the company and a waiver of any claims that may exist.
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| Stock Transfer Form
A stock transfer form (also known as form J30) is the standard document required for the transfer of shares in the UK.
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| Blank Share Certificate
A share certificate, which is produced and issued by the company, certifies on a certain date that a person is a registered owner of shares in that company.
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